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Marquette Guard With the Funny Jump Shot

By Bob Wolfley of the Periodical Sentinel

One-time Marquette guard Vander Bluish said it was a "really tough conclusion" to get out the Gold Eagles' programme and brand himself eligible for the NBA draft.

In an extended interview with the "NY2LA" show on Milwaukee radio station WAUK-AM (540), Bluish said he felt it was fourth dimension to leave MU and pursue his dream of playing in the National Basketball Association.

On April 16, Blueish announced he would forgo his final yr of college basketball eligibility and enter the typhoon.

Blue, whose hometown is Madison, is in Los Angeles preparation in preparation for the NBA draft combine May 15-19 in Chicago. Among the players he said he is working out with in Fifty.A. are Detroit guard Ray McCallum, Georgia guard Kentavious Caldwell-Pope and Louisville eye Gorgui Dieng, all players eligible for the typhoon on June 27.

"Information technology could accept gone either fashion," Blue said about his decision to leave Marquette. "I was thinking nearly I take i more year left to get my degree. I want to make certain I still come back and get that. . . . It's been a life-long dream of mine to play in the NBA. I recollect that I am ready. I remember that I really put the squad on my dorsum this year and actually carried usa where nosotros needed to go. . . . I was really happy for our team to arrive to the Aristocracy 8. I did a lot of praying to God. He has never steered me wrong. I never heard him tell me to come back. My mom, my mentor . . . all sat down and they gave me the pros and cons of both (decisions). I ended upward making the final decision most what I wanted to do. This is what I'm ready for. If I felt I wasn't prepare 1 ounce, I would accept come back to school. I'thou totally in. I'k two feet in. I'm working every bit difficult equally I can. This is a keen opportunity for me. This is a great typhoon to come out in. I think there are some players who maybe should accept come up out stayed in. That'due south helping me. Simply I can't control that. All I can control is what I do every single mean solar day to help ready myself. Right now I'thousand simply preparing, getting ready for Chicago, then I tin can impress some scouts. Just effort to piece of work myself upwardly. That's what information technology's all about now. This is my profession. This is my job. I wake up every 24-hour interval and care for it that way. Merely in the end information technology was a hard decision. I honey Marquette, dearest our fans. I love everything they accept done for me but I just felt it was my time to go."

Blueish expressed nothing but gratitude virtually being coached by Buzz Williams for three seasons.

"I just feel like Fizz helped me a lot," Blue said. "He did everything a player can enquire from a coach. He has e'er been there for me. He never gave up on me, when everybody (else) did. He'south an unbelievable person, homo. That was 1 of the hardest parts for me coming out this twelvemonth because of not being able to play for him again. . . . Buzz was really rough on me my 3 years there. He never permit me go away with annihilation. He always expected more than of me. I had to do more than than everyone else. He just made it tough for me, man. Information technology's really helped me in my move. Now every bit I do workouts here (in Los Angeles) with other guys from other universities, we divide ourselves because nosotros are going and so difficult. It'due south just a Marquette matter. Everybody (says) 'You're playing so difficult.' I'm like, 'I've been doing this for years. This is how we go about things.' I just desire to be meliorate and brand every shot. Fizz has taught me a lot on and off the court, how to be a man, to be a professional every bit well. I talk to him every mean solar day, human. He asks me, 'How'south it going?' Tells me things I all the same demand to work on. He has helped me through this whole process."

Blue was asked well-nigh how it was that his mid-range bound shot improved so much during his junior season.

"I really did not change much about my jump shot," Blue said. "It was more nigh what shots to take and what areas I wanted to perfect. . . . I never had trouble shooting the brawl until mayhap my freshman year in college and a footling bit my sophomore twelvemonth I was shaky also. It came along my inferior year. It'southward all about confidence. You lot simply demand to brand sure in your mind and deep down in your heart you tin can brand the shot."

Blueish said he needs to demonstrate to NBA scouts and general managers that he tin play indicate baby-sit.

"I accept talked to a lot of teams, a lot of scouts," Blueish said. "I really didn't play the point at Marquette much because nosotros had guys like Junior (Cadougan) and Darius (Johnson-Odom) who played the point. . . . A lot of teams just want to come across me play indicate. That's really not a problem. I was recruited as a point guard. I played bespeak guard all the fourth dimension up until my fourth dimension at Marquette. I played point guard a petty fleck in my freshman and sophomore year. At present it is just me adjusting to how the NBA game is. At that place are a lot of pick and rolls, a lot of mid-range (shots), a lot of things that work to my strengths. A lot of one-one-one. . . . Things I can take reward of - my speed, my athleticism, my quickness. So I merely take to testify these guys I can run a team. I call up that I tin can assistance a team. I can go things going, get the interruption going. I can guard a one (indicate guard) through the three (small forward). I have a lot of attributes that people really couldn't see at Marquette because of the role I had to play for that team."

(Photo credit: AP. Marquette coach Fizz Williams (right) is elated that guard Vander Blue (13) made the winning basket with a 2d left in a second-circular NCAA tournament game confronting Davidson on March 21 in Lexington, Ky.)

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About Bob Wolfley

Bob Wolfley retired in October 2014 He wrote the SportsDay web log and cavalcade and about TV and radio issues.


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